Several police vans and dogs descended on a Swindon estate after an incident.

Wiltshire Police officers attempted to stop a motorcyclist seen riding dangerously in Penhill at around 2.40pm on Tuesday afternoon.

The biker, who also had missing number plates, was on Atworth Close when the force spotted him before heading down a dead end.

Cornered, the vehicles came to a stop but then the rider drove at the police car, colliding with it.

The force confirmed that two men in their 20s were arrested following the incident.

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police said: “A man in his 20s was arrested on suspicion of failing to stop, dangerous driving and wanted on recall to prison.

“Another man in his 20s was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage.”

A local resident witnessed the aftermath of the incident and spoke to the Adver anonymously about what they saw.

“There were two marked cars, a dog vans and two further vans at the scene,” they said.

“Police left with a suspect detained in a police van which left the scene on blues while an unmarked car also left the scene on blues.”