An 'aggressive' kebab van vendor has been found guilty of assault and making threats. 

Ozgur Kayaoglu, of Thornford Drive, Westlea, found himself in the dock at Swindon Magistrates Court for two separate violent incidents from 2022. 

The first related to an assault by beating that he committed on November 1, 2022, which saw the food vendor attack a member of the public. 

The latter was just over a month earlier, on September 27, when Mr Kayaoglu used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards another member of the public. 

Kayaoglu pleaded not guilty to both offences, but at a trial at Swindon Magistrates Court on February 1, he was found guilty.

The 49-year-old was ordered to pay £200 in compensation, £1,000 in fines and a victim surcharge of £400. 

The trader also appeared before Oxford Magistrates Court on January 12 for trading without consent on a roadside near Abingdon.

During the hearing, he was told he could not trade in the layby along the A415 Marcham Road between the A34 and the minor road to Shippon as he hadn't received the appropriate permissions 

The court heard how Kayaoglu was aggressive and intimidating towards the officers carrying out their duties.

Consequently, magistrates found Kayaoglu, who did not attend, guilty of six counts of unlawful street trading.

He was fined £1,000 for each count, as well as being ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £2,000 and prosecution costs of £1,087, making a total of £9,087.