A man who raped a vulnerable woman after a night out pretended to be a taxi driver to lure her to a quiet area.

Fareed Tariq was found guilty of raping the woman by a majority verdict after a trial at Swindon Crown Court.

It is the second time the 43-year-old has raped a woman after a night out, having been jailed for six years in 2012.

Tariq, of Barnum Court, then picked up the victim's son from her friend's house having assaulted the victim.

Det Sgt Emma Kinderman, from Wiltshire Police's CID, said: “This was a horrendous incident, where Tariq pretended to be a taxi driver and picked up a vulnerable woman after a night out.

"I'd like to thank the victim for her incredible bravery through reporting the incident and through what must have been a really difficult trial, reliving a traumatic experience. Without her continued assistance, the outcome would not have been possible."

Det Sgt Kinderman also encouraged anybody that has been a victim of sexual assault to report it and assured that the appropriate support will be offered. The information provided in reporting a crime could help bring offenders to justice.

Tariq has been remanded in custody and will appear back at Swindon Crown Court for sentencing on April 3.