A Swindon man stole two packets of Viagra from a pharmacy whilst staff were not looking.

But Brett Segelov, of Dover Street, says he only took the erectile disfunction medication so he could afford to feed his two-month-old baby.

Appearing at Swindon Magistrates Court on Tuesday, Segelov pleaded guilty to the attempted theft of £40 of Viagra from Epicare Health Pharmacy on Commercial Road on July 18, 2023.

Prosecutor Keith Ballinger told the court: “The 39-year-old was a regular user of the pharmacy and had that day on July 18, 2023, gone to pick up his regular medication.

“It appears, thinking that no member of staff was looking, he shoplifted two packets of Viagra.”

But despite pleading guilty to the crime, Segelov claimed that he had been having a hard time and was only stealing the medication so that he could afford to feed his two-month-old baby.

Swindon Advertiser: Brett Segelov admitted he shouldn't have done it, but was just trying to support his partner.Brett Segelov admitted he shouldn't have done it, but was just trying to support his partner. (Image: Brett Segelov)

“His partner had given birth in May and was unfortunately suffering from postpartum depression,” said defence lawyer Mark Glendenning.

“He had stolen these items in order to sell in order to buy baby formula. He knows that he shouldn’t have done it.”

The crime was described Dean Suckling, chair of the bench, as an “unfortunate incident where you found yourself needing some money and decided to steal thinking everything would be fine”.

“Instead your actions have worsened your situation,” said Mr Suckling.

The dad has been fined £40, and ordered to pay a £26 victim surcharge, leaving him with a total cost worth more than the Viagra he stole.

Segelov has been released with a conditional discharge of 12 months.