A man who was assaulted by a gang of a dozen people outside a Swindon bar has been fined - after he lashed out on someone trying to calm the situation.

Frankie Loveridge, a training boxer, had been out in Swindon with his partner on November 19, 2023, when he was assaulted by 12 people on Wood Street.

But in the midst of the scuffle, Loveridge, of Quarry Field in Purton, lashed out and struck the manager of The Bank bar, on Wood Street, who had been trying to calm the situation.

On Tuesday, February 20, at Swindon Magistrates Court, the 27-year-old pleaded guilty to assault.

Prosecutor Keith Ballinger told the court that Kamil Singh had been getting ready to go home having just closed in the early hours of the morning.

“There was an incident on Wood Street and a fight broke out so he had gone over to try and calm the situation down," Mr Ballinger continued.

“Mr Loveridge then struck Mr Singh in the back of the head and made contact with his face when he turned around, also ripping his jumper."

“Police arrived shortly afterwards. Mr Loveridge admits that he did lash out and he is remorseful for that," added defence solicitor Emma Hillier.

He suffered significant injuries to his knee and is no longer able to box.

Having pleaded guilty to one count of assault, the 27-year-old was ordered to pay £40 compensation for the jumper, with no further punishment.

The court heard he had already been ordered to pay court costs at a previous appearance for two counts of assaulting an emergency worker, which also occurred that night.