"Selfish drivers" are putting pedestrians at risk, a council has warned. 

According to Cricklade Town Council, the small Wiltshire town has been inundated with a swathe of bad or illegal parking.

It says this is forcing pedestrians and other motorists into dangerous situations and is putting people at risk of harm.

In response to the increase, the council has issued a reminder to locals on the rules for parking in blue badge disabled bays, double yellow lines and near junctions. 

It has also confirmed further measures have been put in place to deter the behaviour going forward and to punish drivers who continue to do it. 

A spokesperson for Cricklade Town Council said: "There has been a noticeable increase in the number of parking infringements in the town in recent months. 

"It has now reached the point where pedestrians and other motorists are being put at risk by the selfish behaviour of a small minority of drivers."

The spokesperson then reiterated what the rules are.

They said: "The marked disabled bays in the town are only to be used by legitimate blue badge holders. 

"Blue badge holders must display their parking clock during the posted times. 

"Other motorists may not use these bays."

They added: "You must not park at any time on double yellow lines.

"However, you may stop briefly to pick up passengers or to drop them off. 

"You may stop to load or unload, but you must be continuously loading or unloading the whole time you are parked. 

"Such activity is limited to 40 minutes for heavy vehicles and 20 minutes for light goods vehicles. 

"Blue badge holders may park for up to three hours and must display their parking clock."

And on junctions, the town council spokesperson said: "You must not stop or park within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction except in an authorised parking space.

"By doing so, you make it difficult for unsighted drivers to pull out from or turn into a side road."

The council added that any drivers who ignore these rules and continue to park in inappropriate places will find themselves in trouble. 

This is because Wiltshire parking enforcement officers are aware of the problem and are "increasing their presence in the area", and also because any persistent offenders will find themselves being reported.