Police are set to carry out speed checks on a major A-road at Swindon during a community day of action.

Officers will be cracking down on traffic offences across Swindon and along the A419 on Tuesday, February 27.

This latest community day of action will see an increased police presence around the town and on the key A-road.

Officers from the Roads Policing Unit will be conducting speed checks in partnership with the local neighbourhood policing teams.

A range of activities will also take place, including road safety education being offered to drivers.

There will also be safety sweeps and reassurance patrols being carried out throughout the town.

A spokesperson for the force said on Monday: “Tomorrow (Tuesday, February 27) there is going to be an increased presence across Swindon and along the A419 due to the latest community day of action.

“If you see us, come and say hello.”

Speeding is one of the “fatal five” motoring offences that police have been targeting over the last year.

The “fatal five” also include using a phone when driving, not wearing a seatbelt, careless and dangerous driving, and drink and drug driving.

Between January 1 and August 4, 2023, police issued 6,293 notices for offences including speeding, mobile phone use while driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.