A disqualified driver went double the speed limit and left his vehicle during a police chase.

Mitchell Malborn, of Over Bridge in Gloucester, appeared in Swindon Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The day before, officers on Homington Avenue in the Coate area of Swindon saw a Ford Transit Connect pass by.

When they turned around, the 27-year-old driver sped off at 40mph in a 20mph zone.

Swindon Advertiser: Mitchell Malborn drives away from policeMitchell Malborn drives away from police (Image: Wiltshire Police)

Police indicated for Malborn to stop but he kept driving, then got out of the van in Rowden Close while it was still travelling.

The van stopped in a bush. Officers arrested Malborn, then, charged, and remanded him in custody.

He admitted to dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, driving without valid insurance, and failing to stop.

He received an eight-week prison sentence which has been suspended for 12 months and a new 12-month driving ban, and must carry out 150 hours of unpaid work plus 15 rehabilitation activity days and pay £85 in court costs plus £154 to fund victim services.

PC Luke Hobbs said: “Malborn put the lives of road users and pedestrians at risk. It is extremely fortunate that nobody was seriously injured as a result of his mindless actions.

“His driving fell well below the standard we would expect of a competent driver and it is right that he should receive a further disqualification.”