Two BT street hubs and the digital display boards that go with them have been refused planning permission.

The telecoms giant applied to put the hubs, which contain an emergency call facility as well as provide Wi-Fi in Fleming Way outside the old Debenhams department store building, and also outside 84 County Road.

As well as the hub, the telecoms giant wanted to put up the large rectangular digital advertising screens either side of the base unit.

It is these screens which give rise to the nickname 'monoliths' for the installations.

In each case, the existing BT phone box would be removed and replaced by the hubs and screens.

But Swindon Borough Council’s planners were not keen on the idea.

The refusal notices for both applications said: “It is considered that the proposed BT Street Hub due to its scale and prominent siting, represents an incongruous addition to the character of the street scene and surrounding area.

“The proposed 'BT street hub' by virtue of its siting would clutter the pavement obstructing the pedestrian traffic and will obscure visibility at the adjacent junction therefore posing detrimental harm to highway safety.

“The proposed LCD screen advertisement would be prejudicial to highway safety by virtue of their luminance levels, which would interfere with and/or dazzle drivers on the public highway, and would therefore be prejudicial to road safety.”