Another possible hurdle has been put in the way of the knocking down of a bungalow in Swindon to enable the building of five more.

Proudmill Homes Ltd has applied for planning permission to knock down the existing building at 27 Church Walk South in Rodbourne Cheney, and to use the large gardens it enjoys to build five detached bungalows on the site.

Already dozens of objections have been lodged with Swindon Borough Council from neighbours who want to see the distinctive bungalow built in 1965 retained.

Now the Wiltshire archaeological officer says if planning permission is granted for the scheme there should be a proper archaeological investigation of the site.

The officer’s response says: “The site is located within an area of archaeological potential; the Church of St Mary which lies 100m to the south originally dates to the 13th century whilst Rodbourne Cheney itself has medieval origins.

“Historic mapping shows that the site has, with the exception of the current building, remained largely free of disturbance. There remains a good chance of further, as yet unrecorded, archaeological features surviving within the footprint of the proposed development and so I would advise that any intrusive groundworks associated with the development are monitored by qualified archaeologists, this monitoring to be secured via a condition.”

The suggested wording of a condition is: “No development shall commence within the area until a written programme of archaeological investigation, which should include on-site work and off-site work such as the analysis, publishing and archiving of the results, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; and the approved programme of archaeological work has been carried out in accordance with the approved details”

The submitted plans show that three bungalows will be lined up at the rear of the plot, with gardens to the back of the houses backing on the gardens of the houses in Cheney Manor Road.

Two of the five bungalows will be at the front of the suite separated by a new access road which will lead to the homes behind.

Two of the five bungalows will be at the front of the suite separated by a new access road which will lead to the homes behind.

Local ward councillor Sudha Sri Nikana has asked to ‘call in’ the application. This means it will need to be considered by councillors on the planning committee if officers are minded to approve the proposals.