A registered sex offender has now broken his sexual harm prevention order three times by engaging with young girls.

Michael Bingham, of Marlborough Road in Swindon, pleaded guilty to three counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order and will now appear in Crown Court for sentencing.

“Bingham is a registered sex offender who was convicted in January 2019 for sexual activity including penetration with a child under 16,” prosecutor Pauline Lambert told Swindon Magistrate’s Court on March 20.

“He is forbidden from having contact with any female under the age of 16 except through daily life or contact with all guardians' knowing consent.

“In February of this year, a lady contacted the police because her daughter who was 13 had received a friend request from Mr Bingham on Snapchat and she had seen an inappropriate image of his body part on the app.”

The image was not sent directly to the child, but was posted on his public story after he had sent her the friend request, defence lawyer Mr Jameson explained.

Bingham also pleaded guilty to two other counts of breaching the sexual harm prevention order by accompanying young girls to the beach when their legal guardians did not give consent or were not fully aware that Bingham was a sex offender.

“These are serious breaches and we consider the ages of the people involved to be very significant,” said the chair of the bench, Jane Flew.

Bingham is expected to appear for sentencing at Swindon Crown Court on May 3 and has been released on bail until then.