Recent figures have revealed that men in Wiltshire are far more likely to be domestic abuse victims than in the rest of the UK.

In 2023, nearly 2,000 men were reported as victims of domestic abuse in Wiltshire, which is above the UK average.

The data, which comes from a Freedom of Information request sent to Wiltshire Police, revealed that  7,200 domestic abuse crimes were reported in 2022/23, accounting for 17 per cent of all recorded crimes last year.

Of those cases, 1,968 domestic abuse crimes recorded by Wiltshire Police had male victims, averaging at five male victims every day.

This makes up 27 per cent, which is a much higher figure than the UK national average for male victims.

"Suffering domestic violence at the hands of an individual or organisation can be incredibly daunting," said a spokesperson for Accident Claims Advice, who assisted in gathering this data.

"Victims may seek justice, an apology or compensation - anything to provide closure or solace."

The Office for National Statistics found that on a nationwide scale, 751,000 men were domestic abuse victims in 2022/23.

However the true figure is expected to be much higher as many men are less likely to report domestic abuse as they feel it is 'weak' to admit, and when cases are reported the gender of the victim is not always recorded.