A SINGING group in Whitchurch is fundraising on Friday with a coffee morning to be held at the Market Hall.

The Whitchurch Singers are holding a coffee morning on Friday, March 22 in the Civic Market Hall from 9am until 12 noon.

The event will help raise funds for the group’s events for the Singers, which is an informal group for anyone who enjoys singing.


Anyone with any spare time or funds is welcome to attend the event which will naturally involve a singing show from the group too.

A spokesman for the group said: “A cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit will be £1 and toast and small cakes will be available to buy.

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“There will be a raffle and tombola, bric-a-brac, and cake stalls. Also, the Whitchurch Singers will give a short sing-along.”

If you enjoy singing or would like the social side of the group then speak to a member during the coffee morning or email tamla.motown1964@gmail.com

For more about the group, head to its Facebook page.