Owners of cars with keyless fobs are being warned following the theft of two high-end vehicles.

Police are urging motorists to keep their expensive cars safe and secure after receiving reports of a Mercedes being taken in Abbey Meads and a BMW being stolen in St Andrew’s Ridge on Wednesday night.

A police spokesperson said: “We are appealing again for drivers to protect their keyless cars following the theft of two more expensive vehicles.

“When home keep your key fob (and the spare) as far away from the car as possible, preferably in a signal-blocking pouch, such as a Faraday Bag.

“Turn off wireless signals on your fob when it's not being used.

“If you can get your car in the garage please shut it away, or block it in with an older vehicle. “You could also invest in a steering wheel lock.”

Report car thefts to police on 101 – or 999 if it’s an emergency – or visit www.wiltshire.police.uk