A drunk staff sergeant from Swindon punched two people in the face while on a night out in Old Town.

Ashley Blackstock-Kitt, of Whitworth Road, appeared in the dock at Swindon Magistrates' Court on Tuesday and pleaded guilty to one count of assault by beating and one count of causing actual bodily harm.

The court heard that the 33-year-old hit one victim in The Old Bank on January 28. 2024, and then, in a case of mistaken identity, harmed a second victim outside the venue.

Tom Power, prosecuting, said that the ABH victim suffered a chipped tooth that required dental treatment to fix.

In a statement Mr Power read aloud, that victim wrote: "I have had nothing but problems with my mouth, it's been sore for several weeks. I've had problems sleeping because of the pain in my tooth.

"Before the attack, I could go out and enjoy myself. Now I'm constantly checking over my shoulder out of fear that it will happen again."

Neil Brooker, defending, noted that the defendant had no previous convictions and submitted references to magistrates about his good character.

Mr Brooker said: "He reflected on his behaviour after being shown CCTV footage and said, 'It was not acceptable, I thought at the time it was the same [person] from The Old Bank, I was in the moment. I can't take that back, all I can do is apologise, it's totally out of character, I've never been that drunk before'.

"He had gone out with friends, watched the rugby, and they went out to continue drinking.

"The friends left and encouraged him to go with them. he stayed out and drank a lot more. It was a coping mechanism because he was going through a difficult time in his life.

"He pushed or punched a gentleman, thinking that the victim had pushed him first. There was no injury.

"When he leaves the bar, he thinks he has seen the same person - it was a case of mistaken identity.

"Police on patrol saw what happened and he was arrested."

Mr Brooker explained that Kitt has been in the army for 16 years, is usually based in Dorset, his employer is aware of the incident, and that he is likely to face separate disciplinary action from them which may include a demotion.

Kitt received fines totalling £1,311 and must pay £170 in compensation to the ABH victim as well as £85 in court costs and £524 to fund victim services.