It’s been years in the planning and preparation but a new multi-million pound sports facility Swindon should be opened in June.

The Moredon Sporting Hub, nearing completion on the recreation grounds in the central suburb, features all-weather and grass football pitches, a cricket pitch, more lawns for Swindon Croquet club and a BMX pump track, a learn-to-cycle circuit and a mile-long road cycling track, along with a new pavilion and car park.

And Swindon Borough Council, which has funded the development to the tune of £6.3 million alongside Sport England and British Cycling and the Football Foundation, has said it is very nearly ready to hand over to Central Swindon North Parish Council to run.

A post of the borough council’s Facebook page said: ”The brand-new multi-sport Moredon Sporting Hub is almost ready to open.

“Over the next couple of weeks, finishing touches will be made to the site as it’s handed over to Central Swindon North Parish Council ready to open next month.

“Built by the council, and funded by the Premier League, the FA, the Football Foundation, Sport England, British Cycling, Swindon Borough Council and Central North Swindon Parish Council, the hub will offer sport leisure for all ages and will be aimed at those new to the sports or those who stopped playing but are keen to return to sport and physical activities.

“The cycle track is also tipped to be one of the best in the country and will hopefully be used by big name organisations in the coming years.”

Much of the money raised by the borough council to fund the construction has come from the sale of land on the edge of the recreation fields for housing.

An application for 66 homes, including 18 flats and the rest two-to-four bedroom houses, put in by developer Keepmoat Ltd, is going the through the planning process.

The sports hub is not the only eagerly anticipated attraction expected to open in June.

The refurbishment of the upper storey of the Civic Offices at Euclid Street to become the borough’s new Museum and Art Gallery is also nearing competition.

Previously the council said the new gallery and museum would be open in ‘spring’ which was defined by the cabinet member in charge, Councillor Marina Strinkovsky, as finishing on June 21.