A spate of thefts from vehicles around Swindon has prompted police to remind drivers about ways to keep valuables safe.

In recent weeks, officers from Wiltshire Police have received many reports of wallets being taken from cars around the town and the criminals then using the owner's bank cards to withdraw cash or pay for goods.

A spokesperson said: “Your mobile phone, coins for the car park, sunglasses, packs of medication or other items that can earn quick cash are irresistible to the opportunist thief.

“Having certain items stolen could also have a huge impact on your work or business, especially if the laptop, phone or tools are required by you to do your job.

“Some laptops may also have sensitive or personal data on them.

“It should go without saying that wallets, handbags, purses, and credit cards should never be left in an unattended vehicle.”

The force has issued a helpful reminder of some top tips to drivers that aim to keep vehicles and belongings safe and secure.

They are as follows:

- Never leave any items of value in the vehicle when leaving it unoccupied.

- Do not leave items of value in the boot as some parcel shelves may not fit flush or may have dropped off centre after use, and the smallest of gaps may provide an opportunity for an offender to see through.

- Wherever possible, do not leave any work or business related equipment in the vehicle, especially when the vehicle is left unoccupied overnight, as having such items stolen can have a serious impact on the victim’s livelihood.

- If drivers regularly store work equipment in their vehicles overnight, they should try to find a more secure storage option at their places of business.

- When out shopping, do not return to the car to leave bags on the back seat and then return to the shops.

- You may know that a bag or a box in your vehicle is empty or contains nothing of value, but an offender won't do and it may catch their attention.

Last month, police issued similar warnings following reports of thefts from vehicles in Abbey Farm, St Andrew’s Ridge and Tadpole Garden Village.

More advice on theft prevention and vehicle security can be found on the Wiltshire Police website wiltshire.police.uk