Dozens of drivers have been caught speeding on a busy Swindon road during morning rush hour.

Wiltshire Police officers have recently been carrying out speed checks on Thamesdown Drive in both the morning and evening.

Officers say they caught dozens of drivers “racing to get to work” during the morning operations.

The fastest driver spotted by police during these checks was recorded as travelling at 61mph on the 40mph route.

Swindon Advertiser: Police have caught drivers speeding on Thamesdown Drive

Police say around 80 per cent of the offenders snared will be offered the opportunity to carry out a speed awareness course.

The others will be slapped with a £100 fine and three points on their licence, or will appear in court.

A spokesperson for the force said: “Early morning and late evening speed checks have been carried out on Thamesdown Drive recently.

“Very few found speeding later on – but it seems dozens of people are racing to get to work in the morning.

“We hope they set their alarm a little earlier in the future.”