A 'racist' teenager attacked police officers and Wetherspoons staff before smashing a pub door.

Ash Ines, 19, committed 12 offences in The Savoy pub in Swindon town centre on November 25, 2023.

She pleaded guilty to all of the charges at Swindon Magistrates' Court on May 21.

Keith Ballinger, prosecuting, described the events.

He said: “There are three assaults involving kicking one officer to the chest, head and leg, causing him some pain.

“She also bit one of the officers on the leg and made contact with another officer with her head causing him pain.”

The racist abuse came after she was arrested when she called officers a “white ****” or a “white b**ch”.

Mr Ballinger continued that Iles was described as “rolling around on the floor” and while “lashing out” she kicked a Savoy staff member in the shin.

She also assaulted her partner who was trying to move her away from the pub, and smashed the front door window of the pub.

Mr Ballinger concluded by saying that in her police interview, Iles could not recall the events and she was “very apologetic”. She has no previous convictions.

Iles assaulted three emergency workers, assaulted two people by beating, racially harassed six, and performed one instance of criminal damage to a value under £5,000.

She appeared in court wearing a white t-shirt and blue trousers with yellow and pink dyed hair.

Mr Ballinger said that looking at the sentencing guidelines, the attacks were of high culpability because of the use of head and feet as weapons.

Robert Slinn, defending, called for a pre-sentencing report to be compiled before Iles is sentenced, which the magistrate agreed to.

Iles is next to appear at Swindon Magistrates' Court on June 24. She was granted unconditional bail.