Ground has been broken on the building of three adaptable and accessible bungalows.

Swindon Borough Council is building three three-bedroom homes for residents with special needs or care-dependent relatives on a small patch of green space in Ashley Close in Walcot.

The council says bungalows will promote independent living and it hopes they will increase the potential of reducing current or future care packages.

Councillor Janine Howarth, the authority’s cabinet member for housing, said: “We have a real shortage of adaptable homes for families in Swindon so I am really pleased we are building these three new properties.

“When built, these bungalows will transform the lives of the people they have been designed to support and will be a great example of how we want to Build a Fairer Swindon as outlined in our three missions.

“The houses will also deliver on our ambitions to tackle climate change being incredibly energy efficient and boasting solar panels, air source heat pumps and mechanical ventilation technology, which is not only great for the environment, but will keep energy costs down for the families who live there.

“I look forward to seeing the completed scheme at the end of the year.”

The bungalows will feature level access, have off-road parking, fully adapted wet rooms, and kitchens, and will be wheelchair accessible throughout.

The money for the bungalows has partially come from a combination of Section 106 developer contributions and Right to Buy receipts.

The specialist homes are being built for the council by R J Leighfield & Sons Ltd and will be let via the council’s housing register and allocated to families with complex needs. The properties will be ‘A’ rated for energy efficiency featuring air source heat pumps, solar panels and mechanical ventilation heat recovery systems.

The scheme was granted planning permission by the council’s planning committee in late 2020 despite the objections of 12 residents in the cul-de-sac concerned at the square patch of grass at the end of their street and difficulties with emergency vehicle access.

At the same meeting permission was granted for a similarly, larger scheme to build eight accessible and adaptable bungalows in Ventnor Close in Haydon Wick.