The bank holiday weather forecast is promising, with warm temperatures forecast

The three-day weekend will coincide with some warm temperatures, perfect for those with a getaway or a long weekend.

The warmest day is expected to be Saturday according to the Met Office, with temperatures winding down over the three days.

But it will remain largely dry, with only some light lunchtime showers on Sunday.

This may come as a relief following the downpours and lower temperatures of the past week.

The Met Office says: “A warm bank holiday weekend with plenty of fine and dry weather, once any early morning mist and fog clears. Perhaps the odd shower on Sunday.”

However, the BBC has a more pessimistic outlook, with thunder forecast on Monday.

It says: “Dry and fine with warm spells of sunshine on Saturday. 

“On Sunday, variable amounts of cloud, some warm sunny spells and scattered, heavy and perhaps thundery showers developing from the south-west. 

“Monday will see clouds and scattered showers in the morning become frequent in the afternoon. The showers will be heavy and thundery in places.”


18 degrees and sunny changing to cloudy by lunchtime.


17 degrees and cloudy changing to light showers by lunchtime.


16 degrees, sunny changing to light showers by lunchtime.