A nursery is moving to a new home next to a primary school in the town.

Curious Learners Childcare is to set up shop at the former Butterflies Children Centre by Catherine Wayte Primary School on Elstree Way.

A spokesman for the nursery, which is moving from Toothill, said the move will help children's education before going onto reception year.

"By working closely together, both the nursery and the school will be able to provide a supportive environment that helps children develop the necessary skills and confidence before they embark on their educational journey in reception," they said.

Manager Kelly Gammage, 38, who has been in childcare for 20 years said: "We spoke with Swindon Borough Council and there was no nursery in that specific location near the school, so it was an ideal place to relocate to really, especially with the introduction of extra funding, and more space to accommodate more children.

"We don't have an exact opening date yet, Ofsted needs to come out and do the registration visit, but our plan is that it’s soon.

"We will be organising an open day, but anyone who wants to register their children with us can message us on Facebook via our nursery page or visit the website - Curiouslearners.org."

The website suggests dates are available from the end of July onwards.