Labour candidate for Swindon South Heidi Alexander will officially start her election campaign on Sunday.

Ms Alexander will give a speech at her campaign headquarters at the former Pulse Foods shop in Curtis Street and will set out her priorities for the General Election on July 4.

She said they are to: “Cut energy bills for good and support residents with the cost of living, create good local jobs by investing in green manufacturing and industries of the future, slash NHS waiting lists and deliver more GP and dentist appointments, put more police on our streets to cut crime and anti-social behaviour and regenerate the town centre, breathing new life back into the heart of Swindon 

Ms Alexander added: “I am proud to launch my campaign to be the next Labour MP for Swindon South.

“As a Swindon girl born and bred and having moved back home here after Covid, I know that our town is crying out for investment.

“Our community deserves so much better than the falling living standards, struggling public services and weak economy that have been brought about by the policies of this Conservative government.

 “Over the next few weeks, I will set out my plans, but one of this will happen if we get another five years of the Conservatives though so I am asking people to lend me their vote so that together we can restore pride and opportunity to our town.”

At the election on July 4 other candidates so far declared are the sitting Conservative MP Robert Buckland and the Green Party’s Rod Hebden.