A yellow weather warning has been issued for Swindon and Wiltshire with thunderstorms forecast to hit the county.

The Met office has put in place a yellow thunderstorm warning which will cover Swindon and Wiltshire from 10am on Sunday, May 26, until 7pm on the same day.

During this time heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected to batter large parts of the county.

The Met Office warned this may cause some disruption, particularly to drivers and those using public transport.

Motorists have been warned there is a “good chance” that driving conditions will be affected by spray and standing water, leading to longer journey times by car and bus.

Swindon Advertiser: The area affected by the weather warning for thunderstormsThe area affected by the weather warning for thunderstorms (Image: Met Office)

Delays to train services are also a possibility.

Some flooding of a few homes and businesses is possible and this may lead to some damage to buildings or structures, said the Met Office.

There is also a small chance of short-term power loss and damage to buildings if lightning strikes occur.

The storms are predicted to be worst throughout the afternoon and evening, between noon and 6pm, when thundery showers have been forecast.

Light and heavy showers are forecast for both Saturday morning and Saturday night.

Light showers are expected throughout the county on bank holiday Monday.