Lituanica UK Ltd, one of the largest European food importer and distributor in the UK and Ireland, has been forced to issue a recall after listeria monocytogenes was found in one of its products.

Lituanica UK Ltd has recalled its Daivida Rokiskio Mesine Pork Tongue and Ear Roll (400g) with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) urging anyone who has purchased the product to return it immediately.

The recall comes after listeria monocytogenes was found in the Pork Tongue and Ear Roll product.

Symptoms of listeria monocytogenes

Symptoms caused by listeria monocytogenes can be similar to those of a cold, according to the FSA. 

They include:

  • High temperature
  • Muscle ache or pain
  • Chills
  • Feeling or being sick
  • Diarrhoea

In rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications, such as meningitis.

The FSA added: "Some people are more vulnerable to listeria infections, including those over 65 years of age, pregnant women and their unborn babies, babies less than one month old and people with weakened immune systems."

What to do if you have purchased the product

If you have brought one of Lituanica UK's Daivida Rokiskio Mesine Pork Tongue and Ear Roll the FSA says "do not eat it" and return it to the store you bought it from for a full refund. 

For further information you can contact Lituanica UK customer services on 020 8591 5599.

Point of sale notices will be displayed in all stores that are selling the product, according to the FSA.

These notices will explain to customers why the product is being recalled and tell them what to do if they have bought one.