Families have braved the rain for day two of a weekend of music at Swindon Town’s County Ground.

The two-day event kicked off with Chris Moyles’ 90s Hangover show on Saturday, May 25, before the Could Be Real tribute act festival the following day.

A reported crowd of 1,500 showed up on Sunday afternoon, despite heavy showers hitting the stadium, but the event has so far been less attended than the previous day.

At the time of writing, Harry Styles, Adele, and Taylor Swift tribute acts had drawn a positive response from the audience, which is mainly made up of families.

READ MORE: Swindon Town's County Ground festival praised by crowds

Swindon Advertiser: People at Swindon Town's County GroundPeople at Swindon Town's County Ground (Image: Newsquest)

Performances from tributes to Robbie Williams, Coldplay, Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, and Queen were still to come.

The Adver’s reporter at the scene said: “The weather has been the biggest issue for the Could be Real festival at Swindon Town’s home ground.

“The crowd, a reported 1,500 people, has been divided between those happy to brave the infrequent showers and those who would rather stay dry.

“The smaller crowd than yesterday’s Chris Moyles-led show seems to have mitigated many of the problems with queuing that were reported, and instead, everyone seems in high spirits and happy to enjoy some of the biggest musical acts in the world, sort of.”