A housebuilder with plans for a new 238-home estate signed off by Swindon Borough Council has said it is delighted by the approval.

And it has announced the name of the development, to be built just south of Highworth.

The design and layout details of the 238 homes to be built on a site to the east of Shrivenham Road on the southern approaches to the hill-top town were approved last month.

And the company says the houses and flats to be built on the Honeymans Helm estate will be very environmentally friendly.

Ralph Hawkins, managing director for Barratt David Wilson Homes South West, said: “With our commitment to design, environmental best practice and commitment to Biodiversity Net Gain, this development will be a prime example of nature and business successfully coexisting. I’m sure that our commitment to the overall look and feel of the scheme, utilising features and detailing reflective of the local area will be a benchmark which other developers will strive to achieve.

Mr Hawkins added that the houses and flats will integrate Part L energy efficiency standards: “Part L is all about making homes incredibly energy-efficient so that owners use less energy for heating, lighting, and their everyday needs, ultimately helping them to save money.

“The new requirements see buildings having to perform to higher standards to reduce CO2 emissions by 31 per cent. These measures are also an interim step towards the Future Homes Standard that will arrive in 2025.”

The company says properties will be built in a mix of brick and reconstituted stone and feature electric vehicle charging points and swift bricks for nesting birds.

The plans said 71 homes – 30 per cent - will be made available for an affordable rent – defined as 80 per cent of market rate.

The company said the whole development will be bordered by a footpath through wooded green spaces, and that most of the existing hedgerows and trees will be preserved within green corridors.

It added: “The existing Public Right of Way will be enhanced within the development. The existing public footpath adjacent to Shrivenham Road will also be extended to connect into the proposed development.

“A mix of natural and semi-natural green space and amenity spaces will provide the opportunity for recreation and relaxation while a multi-use games area and two playgrounds - one in the middle of the site and another in the eastern corner - will offer recreational opportunities.”