ACCURACY is the cornerstone of our work at the Swindon Advertiser - so it says every day on the letters page under the heading of "getting it right".
And you know what? We do get it wrong at times, but we are the first to put our hand up and say so.
Mistakes will invariably creep in. I don't like them, and I do my best to ensure the pages of the Advertiser from copy to headlines to picture captions and beyond are accurate, but there are occasions when errors slip through.
This week I received a letter from the Rodbourne Cheney Residents' Association who were unhappy with inaccurate reporting of two stories which related to Rodbourne and not Rodbourne Cheney.
"This association works hard for Rodbourne Cheney and its residents and find it quite annoying to be constantly undermined by what is supposed to be our local paper with which we have always endeavoured to co-operate," they wrote.
It was a fair point. I could argue the toss over some of the geography which defines Rodbourne Cheney, and though theirs might seem a small point I have sent a memo to all staff about this error, as well as map to the newsdesk to define the area.
Inaccuracies undermine the work and credibility of the Advertiser.
I received another e-mail today following our feature on the Boat Race where the picture caption described the cox at the "front" of the boat as opposed to the bow. Again a fair point, it wasn't inaccurate since visually the cox was seated at the front of the boat.
It is about terminology and one wonders if we had printed the word bow whether all readers would have determined where the Shivenham-based cox, Nick Brodie, was seated in the Oxford boat.

Finally, thanks for the comments about the Adver poster idea, and as for're a wicked lady! I don't think the Adver readers would put up with a full-size poster of me. Anyway, it would only stretch to three double pages!