In July, Coun Justin Tomlinson stated in the Swindon Advertiser that usage "has rocketed by 36%" and that "supporters can hold their heads high".

With such honeyed phrases, Councillors lulled Old Town residents into thinking they had succeeded and their library would remain open beyond April 2009, when all along ....

......  "It islikely that Ward Councillors had always meant to close Old Town Library in April 09," says Shirley Burnham  "I base this on the fact that the Library Service has been concerned throughout the year about supporting Friends of Old Town Library the full 100%, fearing that, I quote : "You may come into conflict with the Council at a future date."  They did support us, but very much at arm's length."

So, did the Council know something long before the 'credit crunch' or the Government's 'grant settlement to Swindon' and omit to tell anyone ?   What do you think?

You can have a voice !  A Petition is lodged at Earles Newsagents on Newport Street and in Victoria News near the library, awaiting your signature.  "People are very cross, they are signing like mad," says Shirley.  Check up on progress by logging onto:  Please click on the menu item 'Campaign'