WILTSHIRE Age Concern has refused to bail out the Swindon branch of the charity.

The county branch had been in talks with Age Concern Swindon but said it was not feasible to fund services in Swindon as well as its own services.

David Line, vice chairman of Age Concern Wiltshire, said: “Age Concern Wiltshire regrets it has not been possible to take on delivery of any of the services currently provided by Age Concern Swindon.”

Age Concern Swindon announced on Tuesday that it would be closing its doors after 57 years of service because it could not afford to go on.

The cost of paying out pensions to long standing employees at the Milton Road charity means it cannot afford to continue after March.

Mr Line said the county branch had taken steps to secure the £80,000 it needed to fund its pension scheme obligations from its reserves.

But it had no money spare for Swindon’s pensioners.

“Last year Age Concern Wiltshire realised we were looking at a difficult financial time and took steps to reduce costs on a number of services.

“We are in a very difficult economic climate.

“We also had liabilities from pensions to fill which amounts to £80,000.

“We have addressed that from reserves to ensure that liability will be met and we believe Age Concern Wiltshire can sustain its services, but we can’t take on any more.”

Age Concern England spokesman Brendan Paddy explained that new legislation brought in following the collapse of pensions firms meant that Age Concern had to prioritise paying current and former staff their savings over keeping services.

“Obligations to the pensions fund has added to the problem,” he said.

“Some people covered by the fund have already retired, some of them are still working but have long service.

“Because of the final salaries and some people having very long service and the new legislation from the Government the rules around pensions are very strict.”

Age Concern Swindon director Jo Osorio has worked for the charity for 22 continuous years.

Mr Paddy explained that despite talks with Age Concern Wiltshire, the county branch of the charity could not afford to pay for services for Swindon pensioners as well.

“It has been considered whether it would be possible for Wiltshire to come in and run some services in Swindon,” Mr Paddy said.

“But although Age Concern Wiltshire is not facing any financial difficulties, it could not see its way clear to do that.”

The Swindon branch is believed to be the only Age Concern in the south west being forced to close because of the increase in payments to the pension scheme.

Where will people go now?
NEWS of Age Concern Swindon’s impending closure shocked the town’s elderly population.

Tony Averies, of Summers Street, Rodbourne, said: “I was surprised and rather disgusted to hear the news, there are lots of people who use Age Concern.

“I am the right age to benefit from their services but haven’t needed their help, but I have been down there a couple of times.

“I really think someone else should provide these services, perhaps the council?

“I don’t think anyone would mind a little bit more on their council tax.

“Local industry as well could put in some funds to finance it.”

Vivian Kral, of Groundwell Road said: “Where are people going to go after March?

“It is really sad that they are closing. I needed to go and see them so will have to make sure I do it in the next few weeks.

“They give people a lot of help and it will be hard to find anyone else.”

Daphne Adaway, of Covingham said: “We have never used their services, but this is terrible for people who do.

“I know they help a lot of people and it is shocking that will end.”