APPOINTMENTS for residents to have a will written on the cheap this month have already been snapped up.

Dozens of Swindonians have signed up for the scheme, which was launched on Monday as part of Will Aid’s Make A Will Month.

The campaign is designed to give people the opportunity to have a solicitor write a basic will at a knock-down price, with all funds going to charity.

Fred Tucker, the director of Morrison and Masters Solicitors, in Commercial Road, said he was pleased that people were taking the matter seriously.

“There are too many people out there who think that just because they live together, if one of them dies the other will get everything,” he said.

“But that is not the case. In actual fact the person left behind will often find their loved one’s assets going to the state, so it is vital there is something in place to protect the deceased’s wishes.”

Those who have wills written for them during Make A Will Month donate about £75 for a single will and £110 for a pair of matching or mirror wills.

The money then goes to Will Aid’s charities ActionAid, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, Help The Aged, NSPCC, Save The Children UK, Sightsavers International, SCIAF and Trocaire.

“It is a fantastic set-up,” said Mr Tucker. “Someone is given assurance that when they die their family will be okay and at the same time worthy charities benefit.

“I think people are scared to talk about death but like it or not life goes on without you and you have a responsibility to your family to make the process easier for them.”

Another thing people should consider, Mr Tucker warns, is if they survive an accident but are unable to care for themselves.

“A power of attorney is very important if you find you are unable to look after yourself and make decisions,” he said.

“Someone needs to be appointed for you and if, again, you are living with a partner but are unmarried you may run into difficulty. What people need to remember that for their brief inconvenience now, they are saving their families a world of legal problems after their death.”

To find out more about Will Aid and Write a Will Month, visit