A PURTON couple celebrated 60 years of marriage in the manner that suited them best, by having a nice quiet night.

Henry and Betty Fimmers, both 84, first met in 1947 and have not looked back since.

Betty said: “We’ve had a quietish life, we’ve both worked very hard and can proudly say we have our own house.

“We will be having a quiet family meal in the village on Saturday as well, it will be nice to see all the family together. But it will just be a quiet time.”

The two met after Betty was given compassionate leave from her shorthand typist job in London to take care of her mother in Ashbury, where Henry was working on a nearby farm.

Betty said there was no doubt it was love at first sight.

“People don’t believe it exists but it definitely does,” she said.

After courting for two years Betty and Henry got married in St Peter’s and Paul’s Church, Mitcham, Surrey, on a wet November 12.

Betty said: “It was a bit dull really, the weather, throughout the day, then it rained at the end of the service!”

The couple went on to have three children, Elizabeth, Judith and Charlotte, and they now have six grandchildren.

Henry became a mechanic, finishing his career at Metal Box, while Betty took the role of a full time mother.

“I stayed home with the children,” said Betty.

“I think that’s very important and there should be more of that.

“Playgroups just weren’t around those days.

When asked for their advice on a long lasting relationship, they both agreed it was nothing more than a healthy dose of honesty.”

Henry said: “It’s very nice to still be together after this long.

“It’s all about co-operating with each other. I am sorry when I see so many marriages end these days.”

“Always be honest with each other,” said Betty. “Be understanding. You have to be to last that long.”