BBC RADIO Wiltshire presenter Graham Seaman has spent the past month on his popular lunchtime show discussing favourite childhood toys with listeners as part of an appeal to distribute toys to children’s centre’s across the county.

Now, the Swindon-based presenter has admitted to being a big kid at heart himself and lists the popular Buckaroo game as his favourite toy of all time.

Graham, father to six-year-old Maille and Ulani, 10, says the toy is now a favourite with his children.

“I think children these days are quite competitive,” he said. “They have their computer games too, but I think games like Buckaroo and Kerplunk never lose their appeal.

“They are physical and a bit of a challenge and the children always beat me at Buckaroo, it is incredibly simple and it’s a bit stupid but it is very addictive.”

The Toy Stories project was the brain-child of Graham, who was shocked to hear his children discussing the toys they wanted for Christmas in November.

“Christmas seems to be getting earlier and earlier each year,” he said. “I went on air and asked if I was the only dad whose children were talking about Christmas presents so soon and I got hundreds of people calling in.

“We then started talking about our favourite childhood toys and it has gone from there really.

“I am definitely a big kid at heart.”

As part of the project, new toys, games or books can be dropped off at the Co-op store store in Old Town so they can be distributed to Wiltshire children’s centres in time for Christmas.

They can also be dropped off at the Co-operative stores in Sycamore Grove, Trowbridge, at Broomfield, in Chippenham and Redworth House in Amesbury.

Tied in with the Christmas appeal, Graham has organised a Toy Stories Show which will be held at Noremarsh Primary School in Wootton Bassett on Saturday.

Graham is hoping people will come along to see a toy cupboard filled with toys and games from everyone’s childhoods, plus a game zone where there will be the chance to meet presenters and Clive Farahar, from BBC’s Antiques Roadshow.