SERVICES for children in Wiltshire have been praised by Ofsted.

In 2010, Wiltshire’s children’s services were classed as ‘performing well’ by the education and childcare inspectors.

The report said the council’s children’s home is outstanding and other homes run by private and voluntary organisations are good or better.

The majority of secondary schools and post-16 education providers were praised as good or better and four of the six special schools were good or better.

Test and exam results at all stages of education are in line with the average and for five to 16-year-olds results are improving faster than average.

The gap needs to be closed in attainment between the majority of 11 year-olds and those from low income families and those with special educational needs. Primary schools also need to improve so that more are good or better and the overall quality of childminding needs to be better.