YOUNGSTERS with learning or physical difficulties put together an exciting arts and disability show based on the theme of Who Do You Want To Be?

Pupils from Crowdys Hill, Commonweal and Uplands schools produced individual pieces to entertain the 350-strong crowd at the Wyvern Theatre on Friday.

The project, which is run by Reach Inclusive Arts, is in its second year and brings together the disabled and able-bodied in drama and art projects.

Helen Whelehan, of Reach, said: “It was a fantastic night much bigger and better than last year.

“The pieces were all unique and the way the kids addressed the same topic was so different.”

The scheme has proved so successful that Reach has won funding from Children In Need to put the show on again at the Wyvern next year.

“Swindon Council also gives us funding so that we can continue to bring more exciting and creative arts to the community,” said Helen.

Commonweal School pupils put on a performance showing the world through the eyes of an old man and his diary and the misunderstandings that can arise between the generations.

Crowdys Hill students produced a piece based on Big Top acts.

It was about standing up for what you want to be in life.

“At Uplands School, where they have pupils with severe difficulties, including youngsters in wheelchairs, they put on a lovely, ethereal piece about the planets and how people are drawn to each other and then drift apart,” said Helen.

The actors and arts workers from Partners, the theatre company for the disabled and able-bodied belonging to Reach, performed Don’t, a song and dance drama.