MEMBERS of a historic working men’s club will not be Lonesome Tonight when Elvis lends his support for a special gig.

Ashford Road Club, in Old Town, has been struggling in recent years, dropping from a healthy 800 membership to 270 at its lowest point.

The club has been going for more than 100 years and the members are determined to do something to revitalise interest.

They decided to introduce a weekly entertainment night which would showcase the best of local talent.

Hearing this Rob Barrow, also known as Bobby B – and Elvis Presley – decided to lend a hand, or a gyrating hip, and perform a free gig for the club.

“I heard the club was struggling and wanted to help,” he said.

“Ashford Road lost a lot of money a couple of years ago and only broke even last year. So I am doing an Elvis tribute for them on Saturday, February 26.’’ During the first half of the show he will be singing songs from Elvis’ rock ‘n’ roll years and in the second it will be a Vegas session with the concert hits.

Club secretary Sue Carr said: “We have lost quite a lot of money last year and at one point we very nearly had to close but we managed to get through it, so hopefully this fundraiser will help us put some money back behind the bar.

“We appreciate most clubs and pubs are struggling these days, but the club has been open for about 100 years and we don’t want to see it go.

“We welcome everybody, including families, and youngsters. We want to show them what clubs are about instead of going to pubs every weekend.”

Marie Jensen, who is part of the entertainment committee said: “We had a Beatles tribute band Pre Fab 4 last month and this month we have Elvis.

“I think the club is like a little cruise ship with something for everyone.”

The club is a family club that welcomes children, people of all ages, non-members and members.

Membership is £5 a year. The Elvis tribute starts at 9pm and entry is free.

For more details call 01793 534643.