LITTLE Yorkshire terrier Katie who was missing for three weeks and living in the wild, is back home and tucking into her favourite chicken dish.

Pensioners Dorothy and Charles David of Westminster Road, Toothill, were devastated when Katie was chased off by a group of youngsters when they returned home from shopping in January.

Despite all their efforts to find Katie three weeks passed with no sign of the little dog, and Dorothy was convinced that she would never see her beloved pet again.

She said: “On Monday morning I was crying and thought that I would never get her back so I put her lead and brush in the bin. My husband told me I should not give up.”

Later that day the couple got a call from farmer John Sheppard, who said he had found Katie wandering in the fields behind the new John Lewis at Home store.

“He said he saw her on the railway lines,’’ said Dorothy, 79, who is partially sighted. “I am so happy now. My husband has been quite poorly so it has really picked him up.’’ Poor little Katie has dropped from her healthy five kilos in weight down to two kilos.

The vet gave Katie a thorough check up but refused to accept payment, telling Dorothy and Charles, 80, that he was glad they had a happy ending.

Katie was a rescue dog that was mistreated by her original owner and the couple have been coaxing her back to confidence and health since they brought her from Weston-super-Mare back in June last year.