COUPLES going through separation disputes will now be required by law to prove they have been given information about alternatives to court proceedings before their case goes to court.

The legislation requires a certificate to be obtained to say that the parties have considered these alternatives and they are not appropriate for them.

Couples will be legally required to attend an information and assessment meeting to obtain information about alternatives and if these are not appropriate, obtain a certificate to say so.

Stephen Moss, a partner at family law firm Lemon and Co, in Regent Circus, said: “The aim of the new legislation is to encourage individuals who are going through a break-up to attempt some form of alternative dispute resolution before taking their issue to court.

“We fully welcome the Government’s decision to encourage non court processes as a first port of call.

“This new law should make things simpler for people trying to resolve serious problems and there are a number of ways of doing this, such as round the table meetings, mediation as well as collaborative meetings which already require parties agreeing not to go to court.”