ELDERLY residents were given a lift when they were told they no longer had to use the stairs in their sheltered home.

A new lift was opened on Monday at the Epworth Court sheltered housing, in Bath Road, after the residents had to endure 10 weeks without one.

The home, which is three storeys high and home to 25 residents, was left without a lift when the old one broke down from general wear and tear.

Deputy mayor Ray Ballman and a representative from Otis, the company which installed the lift, attended the grand opening on Monday, along with 97-year-old resident, Elsie Varcoe.

Retirement housing manager Catherine Kirwan said life without the lift had been a struggle for residents, but they had come together and got through it.

“It is excellent that we now have the lift back and I think a lot of the residents are relieved,” she said.

“It was difficult for the residents without the lift but we made our way through it.

“I worked longer hours and so did the cleaner to help out.

“Everyone got through it – we had people kicking their washing down the stairs and it took people a little longer to do some things, but we got there.

“It was a struggle but we had a wonderful party to mark the opening and it is excellent we have the lift back.”

Catherine said: “The workers from Otis were first class and worked hard to get us back our lift as soon as possible.

“The disruption was kept to a minimum and they were very friendly.”