SHE has just completed thousands of pounds worth of treatment but cancer patient Tami Brown is not stopping there in her quest to live as long as she can.

The 27-year-old, of Abbey Meads, who has battled cancer since she was 20, has finished a £5,000 intravenous vitamin C treatment thanks to generous donations from fund-raisers.

And now she is embarking on new alternative therapies, including powerful and potentially anti-cancer supplements.

With the money raised for Tami through the charity Yes to Life, she has bought an infra-red sauna and ozone therapy machine.

"I’ve been humbled and touched by all the kind people out there that have done things for me, I am so touched people would go to so much trouble,” she said.

Tami was diagnosed with liver cancer seven years ago and last year she was told the cancer had spread to her abdomen and lungs.

So far £7,000 has been raised towards her campaign, and fundraising will continue with a concert from an old school friend Louise Lloyd, who is a professional opera singer.

Louise is putting on a concert on August 20 at the Bath Road Methodist Church and tickets are on sale now and all proceeds will go to Tami’s Wish.

“I’m so excited about the concert. Louise is an amazing singer and it’s really going to be an unforgettable concert,” said Tami.

“Anyone is welcome to come along.”.

Tami has stopped the intravenous vitamin C treatment because the previous chemotherapy has left her veins weak and the injections means they now collapse easily.

Undeterred, Tami has instead seen a doctor in Brighton who has prescribed anti-cancer supplements, and through the money raised for Tami through the charity Yes to Life, she has been able to buy a infra-red sauna and ozone therapy machine as they have also been recommended as alternative treatments.

"I am feeling really good at the moment, especially now the suns out and it's warm. I'm spending lots of time with my amazing friends, family and boyfriend and I'm feeling in really good health,” she said.

“I've been touched by not only all the money raised but all the lovely messages of support and encouragement from the people of Swindon. You are an amazing bunch. I am truly living my life to the max and enjoying every moment, I hope you all are too."

To donate to Tami’s appeal or to buy tickets for the concert visit