JUST a month after the music was stopped at one Swindon club, a new one is set to pick up the beat.

The former Studio club in Hoopers Place, Old Town, is to be transformed and the premises will be allowed to sell alcohol until 6am.

The club, to be named Tiger Bills, will become an 8,000 sq ft hot spot in the heart of Old Town offering a number of bars, a VIP mezzanine and a garden area.

The news comes just a month after Liquid and Envy in the town centre closed after its holding company Luminar went into administration.

The letting and managing agent for the landlord, Stephen Brickell, of Kilpatrick and Co Property Consultants, said: “I am delighted to have secured such an established and forward thinking operator for this landmark building.

“The landlords and I are delighted with the plans for the venue and are sure that it will set new standards for the leisure industry and will be bringing to Old Town an unrivalled night time experience and rejuvenate the regional leisure circuit.”

The building has been largely empty since Studio closed down in 2005. That had taken over Mission nightclub, which took over the building in 1998.

Some people have raised concerns about safety surrounding the club, however, after The Spot bar, which is directly opposite Tiger Bills, had its licence reviewed after incidents of assaults on police, brawls and drunkeness.

Police licensing officer Siân Kalynka said: “No new licence has been issued to the premises and it still exists from the days when it was Mission/Studio.

“A premises licence stays in existence until it is surrendered to the licensing authority or is revoked at a review brought by a responsible authority.

“The premises already has a licence that operates from 10am to 6am and we cannot remove this licence without taking the premises to review on the grounds that they are breaching the licensing objectives and as the premises are not yet operating , this is not possible.

“When the premises are up and running they will be subject to the same level of scrutiny as any other similar licensed premises.

“For a new licence they have to fill out an application form for a new premises licence which is then sent to all responsible authorities to comment on.

“The applicant needs to describe steps they will take to ensure they uphold the four licensing objectives, which are: the prevention of crime and disorder; prevention of public nuisance; protection of children from harm; and public safety.”

To keep up to date with the developments of the club visit www.tigerbillsuk.com or find them on Facebook.