PAOLO Di Canio will have the backing of the Swindon Town board to bring in the players he requires, interim chairman Jeremy Wray has confirmed.

The former West Ham star will be unveiled at a press conference today after putting pen to paper on a two year deal at the County Ground.

Nine players are out of contract this summer, meaning Di Canio will have plenty of flexibility to shape his own squad.

And Wray has told the Advertiser that will be done with the full financial support of the Town board.

“You don’t take on someone of the calibre of Paolo Di Canio and not give him the opportunity to build a team the way he wants it,” he said.

“League Two will not be easy to get out of, we are going to go everywhere and be a big team going to a lot of places where teams will see Swindon as their cup final if you like.

“We know how Leeds struggled to get out of League One when they first went down, we have gone down to League Two and if we don’t have right attitude we will struggle as well.

“With Paolo in charge there is no doubt that the attitude of everybody will be clear from the start.”

The appointment of Di Canio has garnered plenty of mixed opinions, although most are in support of the Italian.

Following Town’s relegation to League Two, fans proved they are still willing to get behind the club as almost 3,000 season tickets were sold by the end of the Phase 1 deadline.

The second phase of the season ticket sales closes on May 31, and Wray is convinced that once fans have seen the passion and determination to succeed with Swindon from Di Canio at today’s press conference, he is convinced they will share his opinion that exciting times are around the corner.

“Let us wait until today when the people of Swindon will get to meet the man and see the person I have already had the pleasure of meeting,” he added.

“He is passionate and that is infectious and if the players pick up half of it, it is going to be a very different and exciting season.”