OCTOBER is just over a month away. It is then that the new EU President, Portugal's First Minister, intends to agree the EU Treaty.

This is the document rejected by both France and Holland, a move which by the EU's own rules, killed it outright.

The MEPs tell us 15 nations had agreed it. Economies with the truth, as usual when a mainstream politician speaks.

The leadership of 15 EU "states"(as they now call countries) accepted the treaty because they knew the electorate would reject it in a referendum.

It is why we British will not be given a voice but will still be shown as having agreed to it. So much for a free, democratic Europe.

Once signed it will surrender vast areas of our independence and heritage.

We in the anti EU groups will be able to say "we tried." What are those of you who support the pro-EU Lib Dems, Labour and Tory parties going to do?


(UKIP) Okus Road.

Old Town, Swindon