THE Mother of Parliaments finally reached its lowest point since its birth in the 14th century. Last week its members (the majority, the ruling party) voted in favour of continuing to use tax payers' money to fund second homes.

The people who should be setting an example in these hard financial times, proved that financial self interest comes before doing the job that they are elected and handsomely paid for, acting in the best interests and showing an example to their individual constituents.

Time and agin they have toed the party three line whip, to vote on numerous issues that they knew were against the wishes of the majority of the British electorate. Closure of post offices, an essential part of our way of life and culture. No referendum on the European Treaty, a democratic right. Mass unchecked immigration, such an important decision and its effect on future generations should have been decided by the people it involves most - the electorate.

They will soon reach a point, as John Lennon once said, some day the politicians will declare war, and nobody will turn up. They will hold a General Election and no one will bother to vote. Many people I have argued with about not using their vote (I never miss one), reply "I don't bother to vote as they are all the same and only interested in lining their own pockets." How can I argue with that after last Thursday's shameful events?

There were many honourable MPs who voted to end this abuse of tax payers money and still lost. That gives us hope for the future. The Premier Gordon Brown did not turn up. Without giving his reason we must have an open mind on this matter. If he had turned up and showed the same enthusiasm as he did for the 42 day detention issue, the vote would have gone the other way.

As we look around at the disintegration all around us of our once great country, after the disgraceful events of last week, is it surprising?

BILL WILLIAMS Merlin Way Covingham Swindon