STEVE Thompson has asked me to clarify the difference between the BNP and UKIP. I am pleased to reply, but would point out that I have little knowledge of the BNP’s policies. Perhaps a better person to outline their views would be one of their representatives in Swindon.

Perhaps the only real point on which we agree is that the European Union is a very bad thing for Britain and the sooner we are independent again the better. However, even in that there are vital differences in the way we plan to achieve this goal. Again I can only repeat that the BNP should answer for themselves.

So far as we are concerned our plan is to renegotiate our terms to those of a trading agreement, similar to nearly 100 other countries around the globe, but ending the political dominance by the EU of British politics. In other words we would revert to being an independent self governing nation once again, as we were for hundreds of years.

There is, so far as I am aware, and I admit I’ve not read the BNP’s manifesto, absolutely no other similarity between our two parties. Before anyone mentions immigration our policy is simple. Those people who are legal immigrants are welcome to stay but our borders would be strictly controlled in future as to who and why people would be allowed to settle here. The BNP by contrast, have a far less understanding solution to these problems.

There is a world of difference between the BNP and ourselves and, indeed, us and any other political party in Britain.