I HAVE visited your town because of the link made by the Partnerschaft Salzgitter Swindon.

I have had very many good visits in Swindon since more than 20 years.

There are many sights in Swindon which give fine appearances to the visitor.

But truly, I was not able to believe my own eyes themselves when I did observe on this occasion, the great damages done to sections of your city.

It has been said to me that the many areas of destroyed buildings in the city centre seem to be in more damages than the Luftwaffe of my country made when was World War II. That is not so good.

I sincerely trust that your councilmen will immediately act to make more bad developments to stop, to not have such sad destructions within your city.

Why are not those persons who are responsible for these damages brought before judgement?

I do not understand this matter.

Please forgive me for my English.

HORST GRABEN Dresdener Ring Salzgitter-Bad, Germany