YOUR correspondent Mike Spry impugns the integrity of the Swindon Advertiser and suggests you exhibit a right wing bias. Having been a regular reader and correspondent to the letters page of the paper for over 40 years, I have to say that I consider Mr Spry to be absolutely incorrect in his assertion. Indeed I am sure many of your readers can name the many socialist (they would prefer such a title rather than left wing) contributors who regularly grace the letters page and proffer their views on matters covering the entire gamut of political intrigue and ideological belief.

Many of the contributors have quite clear political affiliation while others appear more influenced by events and their impact on society, it matters not what persuades them to put pen to paper but they are to be commended for their concern and conviction. The editor has proven to be fair and even handed in the letters published, and what a difficult task that must be given the limited space available and the undoubted volume of letters which never see the printed page (just look on the Swindon Advertiser website under the Your Say heading).

Mr Spry clearly feels that the left wing case is not fairly represented, may I suggest he reads the comic strip offered by Swindon MP Anne Snelgrove and printed on a regular basis by the Advertiser. He will evidence for himself the freedom given to simply regurgitate Party Political doggerel even when fact and fiction are entwined to make a nearly believable story line.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive Swindon