IN RESPONSE to the letter from Rev H W Jones.

Although I partly agree with his sentiment, he expressed it poorly, saying that by removing the veneer of civilization a human being can return to a ‘Pagan way of life’.

Perhaps the Rev doesn’t realize that in recent years thousands of people are actually choosing the Pagan way of life as a positive alternative to Christianity.

He pointed out that ‘well educated Christians’ seem to enjoy killing for sport.

In contrast Paganism honours nature and regards all life as sacred, both human and animal.

Most Pagans will hold core beliefs in the importance of tolerance, equality and accepting diversity of opinion and belief.

After all, there have been no wars in the name of Wicca!

The world has become the polluted, industrial, greedy, selfish, commercialised mess it is today while largely under the rule and influence of Christian leaders.

Perhaps the Pagan way of life is exactly what modern society needs.


Park South
