AS the British Lion’s tail has been pulled once too often, public unrest as wildcat strikes spread across the country were sadly only a matter of time away.The real culprits are the politicians of all parties. The most tolerant race on this planet has finally had enough.

When our rights as a democratic nation were being taken away on a daily basis, many shrugged their shoulders as they, personally, were doing all right. Part of the rich tapestry of human nature. The inevitable occurred to an economy built on sand, by a man with a degree in history ( you couldn't make it up). Now that the average Brit is not doing all right, and indigenous citizens are treated as second class in their own homeland on a daily basis, the inevitable backlash has started to rear its ugly head. It is sad that it has had to come this, but only a fool couldn't have seen this coming.

Are you listening Gordon? British jobs for British workers, what planet is this man on? When the salt of the earth, proud hard-working men cannot support their families and see jobs on their doorstep being taken by foreign workers, when the refinery in question was built by their fathers and uncles before them, can anyone hand on heart, really blame them, and the massive support shown by their colleagues all over the country.

When our democratic rights are denied what is the only other solution brought on by frustration and anger? The contempt for the majority by the so-called elite minority has inevitable consequences, as history has proved, time and time again. Thatcher was usurped mainly by the Poll Tax. Could this be the final nail in the coffin of this unelected, Alice in Wonderland Premier?

If he does not go now, I fear the consequences from a tolerant nation that has had enough.

BILL WILLIAMS Merlin Way Covingham Swindon