YOU very kindly published a letter from me (SA, January 21) on the proposal from the Government in the person of Harriet Harman MP, to reduce the degree to which MPs are subject to the Freedom Of Information Act.

The proposal which was supported by Gordon Brown and up until late on Wednesday was subject to a three line whip is an indictment of MPs and goes in the face of everything which was promised by the current Prime Minister. I refer to openness, transparency, integrity and honesty. How different from the newly inaugurated President of the United States who in a moment of candour and genuine sincerity signed executive orders governing the release of information, where the overriding principle is that information should and must be released to the people whenever it is possible.

Gordon Brown promised transparency but to paraphrase his own words about another Prime Minister 'you cannot ever believe anything he says' - his promises simply reflect aspiration which can be set aside and never followed through. I think ethics and ethical behaviour are unknown to the Prime Minister and his government, indeed I suspect many MPs probably think ethics is a county where estuary English is spoken. I hope that both Swindon MPs will vote against this proposal and recognise that the people have a right to the information they seek to hide. As President Obama has made clear, holding public office and engaging in public service is not about the office holder it's about the people they represent.

DES MORGAN Caraway Drive Swindon